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Обнаружил сейчас проблему

Обнаружил сейчас проблему, при попытке вставить гиперссылку через кнопку в редакторе поле ссылки не активно. При этом если зайти через редактор html и ручками прописать ссылку то она применяется. Кстати было бы удобней если бы редактор html включался просто по факту нажатия на кнопку

ссылка удалена администратором

Zain Khan отреагировал на эту запись.
Zain Khan

Спасибо за замечание.

When you encounter an issue where the link field is not active when trying to insert a hyperlink through a button in the editor, it can be frustrating. However, there are a few possible reasons for this behavior and some potential solutions to consider.

1. Editor Configuration: First, ensure that the editor is properly configured to allow hyperlink insertion through buttons. Sometimes, the editor settings or plugins can affect this functionality.

2. Browser Compatibility: Check if the issue is browser-specific. Some editors may not function as expected in certain browsers. Try using a different browser to see if the problem persists.

3. Editor Updates: Ensure that your editor is up to date. Developers often release updates to fix bugs and improve functionality. Updating to the latest version of the editor may resolve the issue.

4. Check for Conflicting Plugins: If you have other plugins or extensions installed in your browser or editor, they may be conflicting with the hyperlink insertion feature. Try disabling them temporarily to see if the issue is resolved.

5. Clear Cache and Cookies: Sometimes, clearing your browser's cache and cookies can resolve unexpected behavior in web applications, including editors.

6. Contact Support: If none of the above solutions work, consider reaching out to the editor's support team for assistance. They may be able to provide further guidance or fix the issue in a future update.

As for your suggestion of turning on the HTML editor simply by clicking a button, this could indeed be a convenient feature for users who prefer to work directly with HTML. You may want to submit this suggestion to the editor's development team for consideration in future updates, For better understanding below are some great learning platforms:
1. W3 school
2. Iqra technology
3. Javatpoint